Monday 31 March 2008

Day 1

First posts, the one's nobody but myself and any potential stalkers would care to read.

So why bother? why bother writing a passage that i can almost guarantee that no one will ever read and/or hear about?

because it stops me doing my Film homework. Procrastination... the mother of all worthy inventions.

Blogs are self-indulgent; arrogant; and time wasting yet I, like so many have decided that my pointless thoughts and musings are worth anybody's time.

Musing no.1:

viddy well O my brothers...

If you too were moved by the simple yet beautifully read poetry of Billy Collins then I'm glad. we've shared something, weather you live next door or on the other side of the world. Heart-warming.

The title of my blog 'Quasi-Nihilist' is something I may inevitably change, but as it's there for the time being I may as well explain.
Nihilism - the belief that there is no universal truth or underlying reality that undergirds moral values; that ultimately existence is meaningless. From the Latin "nihil" or "nothing".

Quasi - Almost.
I do not believe that every action I or any other human being performs is ultimately pointless because that statement is only true from one perspective (that is the perspective that views all time through one instant) e.g whether I wage a war on Jamaica or not, brush my teeth or not is not going to have any effect on the universe but there are an infinite amount of other frames of reference where my actions/choices do have an impact. Nihilists were never taught semantics it seems.
However, the human brain is such that it becomes very introverted and self-aware and therefore it is incredibly easy for us to analyse and realise our short comings and insignificances, thus forcing us into a mind set that screams out 'I'm insignificant!' I bear the burden of being aware of both these facts thus rendering me a, Quasi-Nihilist.

Oh how ostentatious...

Well I think that's enough for tonight, you can only listen to yourself pretending to be philosophical for so long. Perhaps tomorrow I'll post some of my adolesant poetry or compile a list of my top 10 books/films. no one will ever read this, my audience is dead. That way no one will really know how pretentious and concieted I really can be.